Masik Rashifal February 2014 (Monthly February Horoscope in Hindi)

मेष: ये पूरा महीना ही आपके लिए अनुकूल रहेगा। आप अपने कार्य व्यापार में बहुत अच्छा करेंगे। आपको वरिष्ठ जनों का सहयोग मिलेगा। लेकिन शनि मंगल और राहु की सप्तम भाव में उपस्थिति को देखते हुए हर काम में सावधानी बरतने की सलाह मैं आपमो देना चाहूंगा। निजी जीवन और साझेदारी के कामों में विशेष सावधानी से काम लेना होगा। हालांकि आर्थिक मामलों में सुधार और कुछ व्यापारिक यात्राओं के योग बन रहे हैं। वहीं महीने के दूसरे भाग में लाभ की स्थितियां सुदृढ़ बनी रहेंगी। जीवन साथी या प्रेम पात्र के साथ आनंददायी समय बीतेगा। उपाय के रूप में में किसी गरीब को काले उडद की दाल का दान करें।

वृषभ: इस महीने की शुरुआत आपके लिए मिली जुली रहेगी। कुछ दूर की यात्रांएं हो सकती हैं। छठे भाव में तीन-तीन पाप ग्रहों की उपस्थिति यह दर्शा रही है कि आप कड़ी मेहनत से घबराएंगे नहीं। लिहाजा आपके काम बनेंगे। लग्नेश की आठवें भाव में स्थिति इस बात का संकेत कर रही हैं कि स्वास्थ्य का खयाल रखना बहुत जरूरी होगा। महीने का दूसरा भागे कार्य व्यापार के लिए बहुत अच्छा रहेगा। आर्थिक समस्याओं से भी छुटकारा मिलेगा। हालांकि धन स्थान के स्वामी बुध की कर्म भाव में उपस्थिति के कारण आप काम धंधे में कोई निवेश करने की सोच सकते हैं। उपाय के रूप में पिता या पिता तुल्य व्यक्ति की सेवा करें।

मिथुन: महीने के प्रथम पक्ष वाले दिन आपके लिए ज्यादा अनुकूलता लिए हुए नहीं हैं। इस समय बहुत सारी मेहनत बेकार जा सकती है। कम्प्यूटर सिस्टम या वाहन में भी कुछ खराबी आ सकती है। यदि कुछ नया करने जा रहे हैं तो बहुत विचार-विमर्श करके ही कोई निर्णय लें। संतान या शिक्षा को लेकर किसी भी तरह का रिस्क ठीक नहीं होगा। प्रेम प्रसंगों के लिर भी समय अधिक अनुकूल नहीं है। लेकिन महीने के दूसरे पक्ष में आपकी समस्याएं काफ़ी कम होंगी। कामों में सफलताएं मिलेंगी। आर्थिक स्थिति में सुधार होगा। किसी अच्छी पुस्तक को पढ़ने का मौका मिलेगा। उपाय के रूप में सूर्य भगवान को जल देना शुभ रहेगा।

कर्क: इस पूरे महीने आपको सावधानी बरतने की आवश्यकता है। बहुत सूझ बूझ के साथ ही कोई व्यापारिक निर्णय लें। जीवन साथी या साझेदार को लेकर कुछ परेशानी रह सकती है। चतुर्थ भाव में शनि, मंगल और राहु की युति कुछ घरेलू परेशानियों दे सकती है जिससे आप कुछ हद तक व्यथित रह सकते हैं। यानी कि यह समय बहुत अनुकूल नहीं है अत: उचित आचरण करते हुए अपना खयाल रखें। इस कोल्ड्रिंक या जंक फ़ूड का सेवन करने से बचें। महीने का दूसरा भाग भी अनुकूल नहीं है। अत: इस समय भी संयम से काम लेने की आवश्यकता है। परेशानी की स्थिति में सिंदूर मिले जल से सूर्य को अर्घ दें।

सिंह: महीने की शुरुआत आपके लिए बहुत अनुकूलता लिए हुए है। पुरानी समस्याओं से छुटकारा मिलेगा। आपका आत्मविश्वास देखने लायक रहेगा। विरोधियों को परास्त करने में आप सफ़ल रहेंगे। कामों में सफलता मिलेगी। नौकरी करने के हालातों में सुधार भी होगा। मान प्रतिष्ठा में वृद्धि होगी। लेकिन भाई बन्धुओं से या मित्रों से मनमुटाव या विवाद करने से आपको बचना होगा। महीने के दूसरे भाग में आपको कुछ सावधानी से काम लेने की जरूरत रहेगी। इतनी खरीददारी न कर डालें कि बैंक बैलेंस बिगड जाय। साथ ही कार्य-व्यापार के साथ-साथ अपने घर पारिवार और स्वास्थ्य का खयाल भी रखना होगा। उपाय के रूप में बजरंग बाण का पाठ करना शुभ रहेगा।

कन्या: वैसे तो आपके लिए लगभग यह पूरा महीना ही शुभकर रहेगा। लेकिन वाणी तथा धन स्थान पर तीन-तीन पाप ग्रहों की उपस्थिति के कारण आपको अप्रिय सम्भाषण से बचना होगा साथ ही धन को फ़िजूल में खर्च करने से भी बचना होगा। हालांकि अन्य ग्रहों की अनुकूलता के कारण आप जीवन का बड़े उत्साह और उल्लास से स्वागत करेंगे। आप अचानक किसी यात्रा पर भी जा सकते हैं। संतान या प्रेम संबंध को लेकर चली आ रही समस्या दूर हो सकती हैं। महीने का दूसरा भाग आपकी सारी समस्याओं का समाधान करने वाला रहेगा। काम धंधे या नौकरी में सुधार होगा। उपाय के रूप में विष्णु भगवाने के मंदिर में संतरे दान करना शुभ रहेगा।

तुला: इस महीने आपको अधिक अनुकूल परिणाम पाने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत करनी पड़ेगी। साथ ही अपने आपको कन्ट्रोल में रखना पड़ेगा। शनि, मंगल और राहु की युति न केवल आपको गुस्सैल बना सकती है बल्कि आपके भीतर धैर्य की कमी भी दे सकती है। इस समय अपने स्वास्थ्य का खयाल भी रखना जरूरी होगा। इस समय आप अपनी पुरानी गाड़ी बेचने के बारे में भी सोच सकते हैं। हालांकि महीने के दूसरे भाग में स्थितियां कुछ बेहतर होंगी फ़िर भी सावधानी की आवश्यकता बनी रहेगी। संतान या प्रिय जन को लेकर चिंता रह सकती है। इस समय जल्दबाजी में निर्णय न लें और वाहन सावधानी से चलाएं। परेशानी होने की स्थिति में हनुमान जी को चोला चढ़ाएं।

वृश्चिक: महीने के पहले भाग में आपको कई अनुकूल परिणाम मिलेंगे। लेकिन खर्चों पर इस समय अंकुश लगाने का पूरा प्रयास करना होगा। बिजली से चलने वाले उपकरण या मोबाइल आदि में खराबी आ सकती है। इस समय वाहन चलाने में सावधानी रखनी होगी। विशेषकर अपने पैरों का खास खयाल रखना होगा। चोट लगने का भय रहेगा। कोई ऐसा काम न करें जिससे नींद में व्यवधान आए। इस समय कोई यात्रा भी सम्भव है। महीने का दूसरा भाग आपसे अधिक मेहनत करवा सकता है। इस समय आपकी एनर्जी कम होती नजर आएगी। इस समय हर मसले में सही गलत का फ़ैसला बहुत सोच समझ कर करें। कष्ट या परेशानी होने की स्थिति में कन्याओं को भोजन करवाएं।

धनु: हालांकि इस समय आप हर काम को बहुत ही सावधानी से निबटाने का प्रयास करेंगे फ़िर भी महीने की शुरुआत अपेक्षाकृत कम अनुकूल रहेगी। इस समय आपकी वाणी में कुछ कठोरता का भाव जाग सकता है। बेहतर होगा संयमित भाषा का सहारा लें। यद्यपि इस समय आमदनी बढ़ने की अच्छी उम्मीदें हैं लेकिन खर्चों पर नियंत्रण भी जरूरी होगा। कुछ पारिवारिक परेशानियां भी रह सकती हैं। लेकिन महीने का दूसरा पक्ष आपकी समस्याओं को दूर करने वाला रहेगा। किसी यात्रा के माध्यम से आप लाभ प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। आर्थिक व मामलों में भी अनुकूलता आएगी। स्वास्थ्य भी अनुकूल रहेगा। परेशानी की स्थिति में हनुमान जी के मंदिर लाल रंग का फ़ल या सब्जी दान करें।

मकर: काम धंधे के लिए यह महीना काफ़ी अनुकूल लग रहा है। कर्म स्थान पर बैठे तीन-तीन ग्रह आपकी पहुंच को बड़ा बना सकते हैं। बड़े लोगों से संबंध बेहतर होने के कारण आप कुछ बड़ा करने की योजना बना सकते हैं। हालांकि सूर्य के गोचर की वजह से कुछ कामों में कुछ बाधाएं रह सकती हैं फ़िर भी इस समय आप आत्मविश्वास से ओत प्रोत रहेंगे। आपको सरकार या किसी संगठन के द्वारा सम्मानित किया जा सकता है। महीने के दूसरे भाग में भी घरेलू और आर्थिक मामलों के सावधानी से काम करने की जरूरत रहेगी। स्वास्थ्य संबंधित कुछ समस्याएं इस स्माय भी रह सकती हैं। उपाय के रूप में शिवलिंग पर शहद चढ़ाना शुभ रहेगा।

कुम्भ: महीने की शुरुआत में लगभग सभी कामों सावधानी बरतने की सलाह मैं आप को देना चाहूंगा। इस समय कोई भी काम उन्मादी होकर न करें। यथा संभव यात्राओं और ट्रैफ़िक से बचें। किसी धर्म स्थान या धार्मिक व्यक्ति से उलझना ठीक नहीं रहेगा। बेवजह की यात्राओं से भी बचना होगा। कार्य व्यापार में संयमित व्यवहार करें। व्यर्थ के खर्चों से बचें। वहीं महीने के दूसरे भाग में आपकी समस्याएं काफ़ी हद तक कम होंगी। आपके मान सम्मान में वृद्धि होगी। किसी लाभदायक यात्रा पर जाना हो सकता है। लेकिन इस समय भी अपना तथा घर परिवार के स्वास्थ्य का खयाल रखना जरूरी होगा। उपाय के रूप में नित्य 11 बार गायत्री मंत्र का जप करें।

मीन: यद्यपि अष्टम भाव में तीन-तीन पाप ग्रहों की उपस्थिति आपके लिए कठिनाइयों का कारण हो सकती है फ़िर भी महीने का पहला भाग आपके लिए काफ़ी अनुकूलता लिए हुए है। लाभ भाव में स्थिति सूर्य के कारण इस समय आप कुछ ऐसे अनुबंध कर सकते हैं जो आपके लिए बहुत फायदेमंद साबित होंगे। प्रेम प्रसंगों के लिए भी समय बेहतर रहेगा। लेकिन किसी भी तरह का बखेड़ा या विवाद करना उचित नहीं रहेगा। यात्राओं के माध्यम से भी लाभ होगा। लेकिन महीने का दूसरा भाग खर्चों से भरा रह सकता है। इस समय आपको अपने स्वास्थ्य का भी खयाल रखना जरूरी होगा। वाणी पर संयम रखना बहुत जरूरी होगा। उपाय के रूप में गाय को हरा चारा खिलाएं।

आशा है, इस राशिफ़ल के माध्यम से आप अपने अच्छे और बुरे समय को जानकर उस समय उचित व्यवहार कर अपने फरवरी माह को शुभ बनाएंगें।

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February Horoscope : Monthly Horoscope for February 2014

This is your monthly horoscope for February, 2014. As per the series of zodiac, let’s begin with the first zodiac sign, Aries.

Arians, the entire month seems to be backed up by the angels. You will do wonders in your work or business. Seniors will be a helping hand in this time. But, I would suggest you to stay cautious, seeing the positions of Saturn, Mars & Rahu in your fourth house. You need to stay really careful in personal matters as well as with partnerships. However, your financial situation seems to be getting better and some business tours are coming your way. On the other hand, the second half of the month will bring some favors to you. This Valentine’s month won’t get wasted, as you will get time to spend some beautiful moments with your life partner. If you face any tough time or see any hardships ahead, donate black grams to a needy person. This was all I had for Arians. Let’s now talk about Taurus.

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Taureans, the beginning of the month seems quite adventurous. It looks like a blend of sweet moments with the sour difficulties in life. You may have to go on some long journeys. You will become quite daring and more hard working, as 3 afflicted planets are posited in your sixth house. Ultimately, you will end up finishing everything properly. Your ascendant-lord is in eighth house calling your attention toward health. Second half of the month will be quite beneficial for work. All your financial problems will be solved. However, you may think about making an investment, as the lord of your wealth house or second house i.e. Mercury is posited in your tenth house. If you see any tough time, serve your father or a fatherly figure. Now let’s see how Gemini will fare.

Days coming in the first half of the month seem not so friendly with you. A lot of your hard work may not show colors. Computer system or vehicle may also show some technical trouble. If you are planning to do something new during this time, I would suggest you to give it a second thought. Any type of risk in case of children or education is not advisable. Apart from all this, it seems that this Valentine’s month, you may also not be able to celebrate your love life properly. However, the second half of the month may rule out all the hindrances of your way. You will be successful in your work. Financial situation will also improve. You will also get chance of reading a special book. To eliminate the bad effects of afflicted planets, offer water to the Sun. Now, let’s peep into the future of Cancer.

, you need to stay quite alert throughout the month. If you have a business, please take each decision after a deep thinking. Some troubles may come through your spouse or business partner. Saturn, Mars and Rahu are combining in your fourth house. This may give you some stress. It seems that the time is bringing you some challenges. Hence, you need to take care of yourself properly. Also, avoid having sodas or junk food. Even the second half of the month is coming in coordination with the first one. So, in this time too, you need stay quite managed. In times of troubles, offer vermillion mixed water to the Sun. Now, let’s see what Leo has got.

Beginning of the month seems to be bringing the blessings of heaven for you. You will get rid of old troubles. Your self-confidence will be amazing. You will be successful in defeating your opponents. Success is seen all around. Working conditions will also improve. Name & fame will also expand. But, you will have to avoid any argument or breach with your friends or relatives. You need to take some precautions in the second half of the month. Keep a control over yourself while shopping. Along with work, you also need to take care of the health of your family. As a remedy to tough times, I would suggest you to recite Bajrang Baan. Now, we will see how Virgo will do this month.

Although this entire month is wonderful for you, but you need to stay cautious of your speech because 3 afflicted planets are in your speech as well as wealth house i.e. second house. You also need to avoid making any unnecessary expenditure; though you will cherish your life due to your favorable planets. A surprise trip may also come to your way. If you were facing a problem related to love life or children, it will come to an end in this duration. Second half of the month will usually keep all your troubles at bay. Situations at work or business will improve. As a remedy to tough times, it would be better to donate oranges at the temple of Lord Vishnu. Now, let’s see how this month will go for Libra.

This month, you may have to work harder to fetch good results. Additionally, it is important to keep an eye over your actions. You may get a little short-tempered because Saturn, Mars and Rahu are holding hands together. Health needs your special attention. You may think about selling your old car. Though things will get better in the second part of the month, yet caution is always required. Some tensions related to children or loved ones may appear. Don’t take any decision in haste and drive carefully. For difficult times, I would suggest you to offer cloth to Lord Hanuman. Now, we will talk about Scorpio.

Scorpions, you will get many auspicious results in the first half of the month. However, you need to keep a good control over your expenditure this time. Your electronic assets may give you some trouble. Drive carefully; your feet need special attention because you may get them hurt. Don’t do anything that could disturb your sleep. Journeys are also possible during this time. Second half of the month may seek more work from you. You may feel low on energy. Take each decision quite carefully. In difficult times, offer food to the little girls. Let’s now see how Sagittarius will do this month.

Though you will try to complete everything quite cautiously, yet the beginning of the month might not fare well as per your expectations. Your speech may also become a little rough. It would be better if you can keep a balance while speaking. Although you will cherish a month backed up by good finances, but a good control over expenditure is required. Some financial issues may also creep in-between. However, the second half of the month will be eliminating all the troubles of your life. You may get benefit out of a journey. You will also see improvement in financial matters. Health will also stay fine. In the times of trouble, donate red colored fruit or vegetable in the temple of Lord Hanuman. Now, we will see how Capricorn will fare.

February looks like bringing excitement in your professional life. 3 planets at your tenth house may get you in contact with powerful people. Due to your better relations with big personalities, you may plan of doing something big. Though some hindrances may keep on bumping in due to the transit of Sun, yet you will stay full of confidence. You may get honored by the government or an organization. Even in the second half of the month, you need to stay cautious in the matters related to wealth and family. Health related issues may stay during this time too. As a remedy to difficult situations, offer honey to the Shivling. Now, let’s see how Aquarius will do.

At the start of this month of cupid, I would suggest you stay alert with everything. Keep your crazy meter down during this time. Try to avoid journeys and traffic as much as possible. It would be better to avoid any heated argument at a religious place or with a religious person. Additionally, you also need to avoid unimportant journeys. Keep a check over your actions at work. Avoid unnecessary expenditures. Your troubles may lower down to quite a good extent. Name & fame will increase. You may have to go on a beneficial journey. But, in this time too, you will have to take proper care of your health as well as the health of your family. As a remedy to difficulties, recite Gayatri Mantra 11 times everyday. Let’s now see how Pisces will do in February.

Though the placement of 3 afflicted planets in your eighth house may cause you some trouble, yet the first half of the month is quite fruitful for you. Due to the placement of Sun in your beneficial eleventh house, you may make some really awesome deals! As this is the month to get cupidstruck, you are going be lucky! However, you need not experiment any adventurous situation in love life and avoid heated arguments. You may get some really nice benefits from the journeys. However, the second half of the month will be full of expenditure. In this time, you will also have to take good care of your health. As a remedy to difficult situations, offer green fodder to the cow.

I hope these predictions would be helpful to you and you will buckle up for the upcoming hardships of life. Along with that, take proper advantage of the beneficial situations. Stay tuned to AstroSage TV and be blessed!

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15 Rules of Predictions [Part-13]

Rule 1: Planets situated in exalted sign, own sign and friendly sign give good results. On the other hand, debilitated planet, a planet in inimical sign will give malefic results.

Rule 2: Planets aspecting its own house gives good results related to the aspected house.

Rule 3: Planet with its friendly planets and benefic planets generally gives good results. Similarly planets having friendly or benefic planets in previous and next sign give good results.

Rule 4: Planet that is reaching towards it exalted sign gives good results.

Rule 5: Planet friendly to ascendant lord gives good results.

Rule 6: Planets owning trikona i.e. 5th and 9th house give good results.

Rule 7: Owner of Kendra, if malefic, will leave their malefic nature. Similarly, if planet owning kendra is benefic, it will leave benefic nature. So generally malefics owning Kendra is desirable.

Rule 8: Owner of 3rd, 6th and 11th houses generally give bad results.

Rule 9: Planets in upachya or improving houses 3,6,10,11 improves their own signification. These are the best places for natural malefics.

Rule 10: Planets in 6,8,12 houses generally give malefic results.

Rule 11: Benefics in kendra (1,4,7,10) houses are very good, whereas malefics there are very bad.

Rule 12: Moon near to Full-Moon-day or Poornima is good, whereas Moon near to No-moon-day or amavasya is bad.

Rule 13: Planets close to Moon i.e. with Moon, in previous sign of Moon and in next sign of Moon, improves Moon. More planets close to Moon, more powerful will be the Moon.

Rule 14: Mercury, Rahu and Ketu give results of the planets with which those are situated.

Rule 15: Planet close to Sun become combust and give bad results.

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Bhav Chalit : 2 Minute Astrology Tutorial

चलित चक्र

जन्‍म पत्रिका में अक्‍सर आपनें राशि या लग्‍न कुण्‍डली के अलावा भाव चलित कुण्‍डली को भी बना देखा होगा। आज मैं आपको बताता हूं कि भावचलित और राशि कुण्‍डली में क्‍या फरक है और भाव चलित कुण्‍डली से क्‍या देखा जाता है। राशि कुण्‍डली ज्‍योतिष में मुख्‍य कुण्‍डली है और यह बताती है कि ग्रहों और लग्‍न की राशि क्‍या है। जैसा कि नाम से ही स्‍पष्‍ट है भाव चलित कुण्‍डली ग्रहों की भाव स्थिति बताती है। सामान्‍य तौर पर कौन सा ग्रह किस भाव में बैठा है यह भी हम राशि कुण्‍डली से देख लेते हैं जोकि सही नहीं है। इसके लिए हमें हमेशा भाव चलित कुण्‍डली को देखना चाहिए।

ज्‍यादातर समय राशि कुण्‍डली और भाव चलित कुण्‍डली में ग्रहों की स्थिति एक जैसी रहती है। पर जब कोई ग्रह राशि कुण्‍डली में कहीं और और भाव चलित कुण्‍डली में कहीं और होता है तो ज्‍योतिष के छात्र भ्रमित हो जाते हैं। इस लिए फलादेश के समय इन कुछ बातों का ध्‍यान रखें -

1 ग्रह अपनी दशा में किस भाव का फल देगा यह हमेशा भाव चलित कुण्‍डली से देखें। जैसे कोई ग्रह राशि कुण्‍डली में पहले भाव में बैठा हो तो हमें लगेगा कि वह अपनी दशा में स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य देगा। लेकिन मान लिजिए की वह ग्रह चलित कुण्‍डली में बारहवें भाव में चला गया तो फिर वह स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य की जगह बारहवें भाव का फल जैसे अस्‍पताल में भर्ती होना और अकेलेपन जैसा फल ज्‍यादा देगा। अगर ग्रह की भाव स्थिति भाव चलित कुण्‍डली में बदल जाती है तो ग्रह उस भाव से जुडा हुआ फल देता है जिस भाव में वह भाव चलित कुण्‍डली में होता है।

2 सभी सॉफ्टवेयर में भाव चलित कुण्‍डली के साथ ही हर भाव का भाव मध्‍य बिन्‍दु भी दिया जाता है। जो ग्रह भावमध्‍य बिंदु के जितना पास होता है उतना की ज्‍यादा फल उस भाव का दे पाता है। अगर कोई ग्रह भाव प्रारम्‍भ बिन्‍दु के पास हो तो पिछले भाव का फल भी देता है और भाव अन्‍त बिन्‍दु के पास हो तो अगले भाव का फल भी देता है। ऐसे ग्रहों की दशा में जो भाव प्रारम्‍भ या भाव अन्‍त बिन्‍दु के बहुत नजदीक हों, दो भावों के मिलेजुले फल मिलते हैं।

3 ग्रहों की भावगत स्थिति के अलावा अन्‍य सभी विषय जैसे दृष्टि, युति, राशिगत स्थिति - उच्‍च, नीच, मित्र, शत्रु राशि आदि राशि चक्र से ही देखने चाहिए।

4 योगों को भी हमेशा राशि कुण्‍डली से ही देखना चाहिए।

आज के लिए इतना ही। जाने से पहले सबस्‍क्राइब करना न भूलें। सबस्‍क्राइब करने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

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Ketu Transit 2014 in Hindi

पुराणों के अनुसार केतु हिरण्यकशिपु की पुत्री सिंहिका का कनिष्ट पुत्र है। ज्योतिष के अनुसार यह नौवां ग्रह है।
हालांकि इस ग्रह को पाप संज्ञक ग्रह माना गया है। ज्योतिष में इसे केवल ग्रह न मानकर छाया ग्रह माना गया है।

ज्योतिष के अनुसार मानव जीवन पर इसका गहरा प्रभाव पड़ता है। वर्तमान में केतु मेष राशि में है। यह 12 जुलाई 2014 को मीन राशि में प्रवेश करेगा।

आम तौर पर ग्रह आगे कि राशियों में जाते हैं लेकिन राहु और केतु हमेशा वक्री चलते हैं इसलिए केतु पिछ्ली राशि में जा रहा है।

इसका विभिन्न राशियों पर क्या प्रभाव पडेगा, आइए जानते हैं, तो सबसे पहले जानते हैं कि केतु के इस गोचर का मेष राशि पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ेगा।

तो मेष राशि वालो!! द्वादश भाव में स्थित केतू शुभफलों की प्राप्ति में बाधा उत्पन्न कर सकता है। अत: इस अवधि में जल्दबाजी में कोई काम न करें अन्यथा

परेशानी हो सकती है। इस अवधि में आपकी रुचि कुछ गलत कामों के प्रति भी रह सकती है। आप कुछ गलत निर्णय भी ले सकते हैं। अत:

गलत निर्णयों से बचें और दूसरों की सही सलाह को भी ध्यान में रखें। अपने स्वास्थ्य का भी खयाल रखें।

हालांकि केतु के इस गोचर के कारण आप गूढ़ विज्ञान संबंधी विषयों से जुड़ सकते हैं।

उपाय के रूप में आपको चाहिए कि भगवान गणेश की पूजा करें और चरित्र उत्तम रखें। और अब बात बृषभ राशि की।

वृषभ राशि वालो!! केतू आपके लाभ भाव में स्थित रहेगा। अत: परिस्थितियां आपके अनुकूल होंगी।

पारिवारिक जीवन संतोष प्रदान करेगा। नौकरीपेशा को पदोन्नति मिलनेके योग हैं। वहीं व्यापारी गण कोई मुनाफ़े का सौदा पा सकते हैं।

मित्र और हितैषियों से सहयोग मिलता रहेगा। लम्बी दूरी की यात्रा की भी संभावना है।

सामाजिक क्षेत्र में आपको प्रचुर प्रतिष्ठा और सम्मान मिलेगा।

उपाय के रूप में आपको चाहिए कि काले रंग का कुत्ता पालें। और अब बात मिथुन राशि की।

मिथुन राशि वालो!! केतू के दशम भाव में स्थित होने से आपके व्यापार में वृद्धि की अच्छी संभावनाएं हैं।

नौकरी के हालात में सुधार होगा। महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्तियों के साथ आपके सम्पर्क बढेंगे। कोई नया परिवर्तन भी सम्भव है।

केतु के इस गोचर के प्रभाव के कारण आप कोई नई योजना बना सकते हैं लेकिन कुछ भी नया करने से पहले अच्छाई और बुराई का अच्छी तरह विश्लेषण करना जरूरी होगा।

घरेलू मामलों में ध्यान देने की भी आवश्यकता रहेगी।

उपाय के रूप में आपको चाहिए कि चांदी के बर्तन में शहद भर कर घर में रखें। और अब बात कर्क राशि की!

कर्क राशि वालो!! केतु ग्रह आपके नवम भाव में स्थित है अत: इस अवधि में आप कुछ महत्त्वपूर्ण यात्राएं कर सकते हैं।

आपका झुकाव धर्म एवम् अध्यात्म की ओर सकता है। आपकी प्रतिष्ठा बढेंगी और सम्मान में इजाफा होगा।

आप संस्थान के प्रमुख व्यक्ति के सम्पर्क में आयेंगे। साथ ही आप अति सम्मानीय व्यक्ति समझे जायेंगे।

पारिवारिक जीवन उल्लासमय रहेगा। लेकिन परिवार के बड़े बुजुर्गों का खयाल रखना होगा।

उपाय के रूप में आपको चाहिए कि कानो में सोना पहने व घर में सोना रखें।

और अब बारी है सिंह राशि की तो आइए जानते हैं कि केतु के इस गोचर का सिंह राशि वालों पर क्या असर होगा।

सिंह राशि वालो! केतू आपके अष्टम भाव में होगा अत: इस अवधि में आपको अपने स्वास्थ्य का खयाल रखना जरूरी होगा

लेकिन अन्य मामलों में अनुकूल फलों की प्राप्ति होती रहेगी। कहीं से अचानक धन की प्राप्ति भी हो सकती है।

कुछ अच्छी यात्राओं के अवसर मिलेंगे। आपका मन धार्मिक कार्यों की ओर लगेगा।

पारिवारिक माहौल सौहार्दपूर्ण रहेगा और आपकी प्रतिष्ठा बढे़गी और सम्मान में इजाफा होगा।

उपाय के रूप में आपको चाहिए कि सफेद कम्बल मन्दिर में दान करें। और अब बात कन्या राशि की!

कन्या राशि वालो! केतू का गोचर आपके सप्तम भाव में रहेगा। अत: आपको मिले जुले फल मिलेंगे।

आप अपने काम धंधे को व्यवस्थित कर पाने में सफल रहेंगे। आपका सामजिक दायरा और अधिक बढेगा। लेकिन

वैवाहिक जीवन में कुछ हद तक असंतोष सम्भव है। प्रणय सम्बंधों के लिए भी समय अधिक अनुकूल नहीं रहेगा।

इस समय कोई भी जोखिम भरा काम न करें और स्वास्थ्य का खयाल रखें। उपाय के रूप में भगवान गणेश की पूजा करना शुभ रहेगा। और अब बात तुला राशि की।

तुला राशि वालो! केतू आपके छठे भाव में स्थित रहेगा अत: आप प्रतिस्पर्धा में सफल होंगे और आप विरोधियों पर विजय पा सकेंगे।

व्यापार धन्धें में आप बहुत अच्छा कर सकते हैं। नौकरी के हालतों में भी सुधार सम्भव है। हर क्षेत्र से आपको सम्मान मिलेगा।

स्वास्थ्य अच्छा रहेगा। परिजनों का बर्ताव भी अच्छा रहेगा। अचानक यात्रा सौभाग्य वृद्धि करेगी।

अर्थात कुछ सामान्य परेशानियों को छोड़ दिया जाय तो यह गोचर आपके लिए बहुत अनुकूल रहेगा।

फिर भी यदि कष्ट का अनुभव हो तो उपाय के रूप में बाएं हाथ में सोने का छ्ल्ला पहने। और बारी है वृश्चिक राशि की

वृश्चिक राशि वालो!! केतू आपके पंचम भाव में स्थित रहेगा अत: इस अवधि में आपको जोखिम उठाने की प्रवृत्ति पर अंकुश लगाना होगा।

इस समय आप कई कामों को एक साथ करने का प्रयास कर सकते हैं। बेहतर तो यहीं होगा कि आप प्रत्येक काम को एक एक करके और संयम के साथ करें।

इस समय शत्रु आपकी साख बिगाड़ने का प्रयत्न कर सकते हैं। अत: उनसे सावधान रहें। स्वास्थ्य का खयाल रखें और बेवजह की यात्राओं से बचें।

उपाय के रूप में केसर का तिलक लगाएं। और अब बात धनु राशि की।

धनु राशि वालो! केतु आपके चतुर्थ भाव में स्थित रहेगा अत: घरेलू जीवन अशांत रह सकता है।

वैचारिक स्पष्टता का अभाव भी रह सकता है। परिजनों को लेकर चिंताएं रह सकती हैं।

व्यापार धन्धा में मंदी नौकरी के हालात असंतोषप्रद हो सकते हैं। स्वास्थ्य का खयाल रखना भी जरूरी होगा।

हालांकि इस अवधि में आपका मन धार्मिक क्रिया कलाप की ओर झुका रहेगा और आप पवित्र स्थलों की यात्रा कर पाएंगे।

उपाय के रूप में पीले रंग के नींबू चलते पानी में प्रवाहित करें। और अब बात मकर राशि की!

मकर राशि वालो! केतू आपके तीसरे भाव में स्थित रहेगा अत: इस अवधि में आप आशावादी रहेंगे। यात्राएं लाभकारी रहेंगी।

संचार द्वारा प्राप्त समाचार लाभकारी रहेंगे। मित्र मंडली बढे़गी। यदि पदोन्नति होने वाली है तो वह आपके मन के अनुकूल हो सकती है।

आमदनी में इजाफा होगा। पारिवारिक जीवन सुख्द रहेगा। अध्यात्म के प्रति झुकाव बढे़गा। लेकिन

इस अवधि में आपको अपने हर काम को बुद्धिमत्ता से निबटाने का प्रयास करते रहना होगा।

उपाय के रूप में कानों में सोना पहनें और भाई बन्धुओं से अच्छे सम्बंध रखें। और अब बात कुम्भ राशि की।

कुम्भ राशि वालो! केतू आपकी कुंडली के दूसरे भाव में रहेगा अत: आपका आत्मविश्वास कमजोर रह सकता है।

आर्थिक ममलों के लिए भी समय बहुत अनुकूल नहीं रहेगा। आपको अपनी वाणी पर संयम रखना होगा अन्यथा

आपसी वैमनस्य बढ सकता है। पारिवारिक संबंधों को बिगड़ने न दें। आपका स्वास्थ्य भी प्रभावित रह सकता है।

इस समय बेकार की यात्राओं से बचने का भी प्रयास करें। किसी नए उद्यम की शुरुआत भी उचित नहीं होगी।

उपाय के रूप में आपको चाहिए कि चरित्र उत्तम बनाए रखें और माथे पर केसर का तिलक लगाएं। और अब बात मीन राशि की!

मीन राशि वालो! केतु आपके प्रथम भाव में रहेगा अत: अपनी प्रतिष्ठा के प्रति सचेत रहें।

अपने स्वास्थ्य का खयाल रखना भी जरूरी होगा। इस अवधि में आत्मनिर्भरता बहुत जरूरी होगी क्योंकि

मित्र व हितैषी अपना वचन नहीं निभा पाएंगे। लेकिन अति आत्मविश्वास से बचना होगा।

आर्थिक मामलों के लिए समय कम ठीक रहेगा। इस अवधि में आप व्यवहारिक रहने का प्रयत्न करें।

व्यर्थ के कामों में न उलझे। यथासंभव यात्राओं से बचें।

उपाय के रूप में बन्दर को गुड़ खिलाएं।

तो आशा है केतु के इस गोचर के परिणामों को पहले से जानकर सम्बंधित उपायों को करके आप उन्नति के मार्ग पर अग्रसर होंगें। स्वयं सौभाग्यशाली बनाए रखने के लिए देखते रहे एस्ट्रोसेज नमस्कार!!
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Aspect Explained with Example [Part-11]

Namaste. Let us learn aspects today. Aspect is called “Drishti” in Sanskrit. It means “to look at” or “to see”.  Like conjunction, planets affect each other via aspect too. Interpretation of conjunction and aspect is more or less same. But the way we calculate aspect is different from the way we calculate conjunction.

Every planet aspects or sees certain places from its place. Not only it aspects the places but also the planets situated there. All the planets aspect seventh from the place they are posited. Mars, Saturn and Jupiter have additional aspects. Mars, apart from standard 7th, aspects fourth and eighth place. Similarly, Jupiter also has fifth and ninth aspects and Saturn has third and tenth aspect too. You can see aspect of each planet on the blackboard.

Planet Aspect
Sun 7
Moon 7
Mercury 7;
Venus 7
Mars 4, 7, 8
Jupiter 5, 7, 9
Saturn 3, 7, 10

Rahu and Ketu do not have any aspect.

 Let me take our example chart to explain aspects

 In our chart, Sun is situated in 7th house. We know that all planets aspect 7th from its place. When we start counting from Sun, this is first, this is second, this is third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seven. Always keep in mind that in North Indian Chart, we count anti-clock-wise. So this place which comes out to be ascendant or first house is the house aspected by Sun. There is no planet in first house and hence Sun doesn't aspect any planet there.

Now let us take example of Jupiter. We know that apart from standard 7th, Jupiter also aspects 5th and 9th from its place. If we count 5 from the place of Jupiter, we reach to 3rd house where 1 is written. If we count 7, we reach to 5th house where Venus and Rahu are situated. If we count 9, we will reach to 7th house where Sun, Saturn and Mercury are situated. So we will say that Jupiter aspects Venus, Rahu, Saturn, Sun and Mercury in this chart.

 Interpretation of aspects is similar to interpretation of conjunction. Always keep in mind that nature of planet is very important when it comes to interpreting aspects. Aspects of natural benefics like Jupiter, Venus etc. improves the matter and the aspects of natural malefics like Saturn and Mars harms matter.

 This is all for today. Namaste!

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Saturn Transit 2014

Planet Saturn changes its sign in the time frame of approximately 2 and half years.

In November 2011, Saturn had changed sign from Virgo to Libra. Since then, he had gone back to Virgo during the retrogression period. After that, Saturn again came back to Libra being direct and is still there; and as per our Astrological calculations, will stay here till 2nd of November, 2014.

Due to this; Virgo, Libra and Scorpio will stay under the effect of Sadhe-Sati, which is considered as an inauspicious period of 7 and half years by some people. On the other hand, Cancer and Pisces will stay under the effect of Saturn’s Dhaiyya, which is a period of 2 and half years.

In 2014, you will experience the two transits effects of Saturn. Let’s now see which transit’s effects will affect us the most. I will give you the predictions for each zodiac sign here. Let’s begin with our first zodiac sign, Aries.

Arians, Saturn in this time may fetch you benefits from your spouse. Conjunctions of profits are also forming in daily works. If we talk about your luck, you may face mixed results. However, your health needs special attention. You may get some really good results in family matters, public relations or things related to your mom. So, this was all I had to say for Arians, Let’s now see how Taurus sign will fare.

Taureans, your Saturn, being the lord of the ninth house as well as tenth house, is transiting in sixth house that will make your enemies ineffective. If you had a debt on your head, you will get rid of it in this time. You need to stay very cautious in outside matters, health will also stay fine. After some hindrances in business, job or matters related to dad; you will get success. Your valor will rise. So Taureans, this was all I had for you. Now let’s focus on the fate of Gemini.

This transit of Saturn is making you lucky, Geminis. Success in education, accomplishment of all your hard worked stuff and a good health is forecasted by your stars. If we talk about your married life, things can only be considered going average. Income related matters may have to handle some hindrances. In the matters related to wealth and household too, things look average. But overall, year is fruitful if you can put in more hard work. Now, I would like to talk about Cancer.

In family matters, Saturn’s transit will give you some sourness in the beginning and then it will be full of sweetness. Your enemies will become ineffective. If we talk about responsibilities, you will have to stay really cautious with your income sources such as job or business. Along with that, you will have to take extra care of your father and nation. Not only this, you will have to take many precautions for yourself too. Now, we will talk about our next zodiac sign, Leo.

Lions, this transit of Saturn will keep you tired most of the time, as success can only be expected after some hard work. If we talk about profits, you will get them from brothers, friends and partnerships along with proper support. In the sector of luck, some obstacles are also expected. If we talk about outside matters, you will get mixed results. Now, we will see how lucky are the ones under Virgo sign?

It seems that your speech is going to do miracles in this time. You want to know how? Saturn is transiting into your second house and also it is the lord of fifth as well as sixth house, which is making your speech quite effective. You will get proper support of your children. If you are a student, success is seen in examinations. As roses come with thorns, some minute troubles are also seen. You need to stay quite cautious while driving. In the matters related to income, you will experience some mixed results. Now, let’s concentrate on our next zodiac sign, Libra.

Libras, your Saturn is transiting in Libra sign only being lord of the fourth as well as fifth house. It will increase the good effects. Your new endeavors will be successful. Along with this, you are getting benefits from so many other sides too. Your children will give you positivity. Matters related to mommy, property, home & public are bringing you auspiciousness. Among all this, you may have to face some sourness in married life. However, success is seen again in the matters related to nation, business or job, to name a few. Now, let’s see what Scorpions are getting with this transit.

For you Scorpions, Saturn is transiting into twelfth house being lord of the third house as well as fourth house. Hence, only your valor can fetch you success. If you are planning to do an important work, suggestion of your brother may do wonders for you. Family situation will stay average. You will have to stay alert of your opponents. The seven and half month period of Saturn, which is also known as Sadhe-Sati will begin. It will give you positive results. You will experience mixed results in the matters related to fate and religion. Let’s now move on to our next zodiac sign, Sagittarius now.

Sagittarians, Saturn is transiting in your eleventh house being the lord of the second and third house. Hence, you will get benefits of wealth, family and effective speech. Along with this, you will also manage to save well. You will get support of your brothers. Also, your friends will get you positive results. Students need to be very cautious during this time. You need to concentrate more on studies. Health will also stay fine. It seems that you have got a long life. Let’s now see how this transit will affect people under Capricorn sign.

Saturn’s transit being ascendant as well as the lord of the second house from tenth house will fetch you success in all your endeavors. Your valor will rise. Along with this, you will have proper support of your assets as well as family. You need to stay cautious in the matters related to mother. Stay cautious in property related matters too. With your life-partner, you will experience mixed results. Now, we will talk about Aquarius.

Saturn is transiting in the ninth house i.e. Bhagya Bhava being lord of the twelfth house as well as ascendant. Hence, you have strong chances of success, as your good luck is strong. Along with this, your important works will be done quite easily. Good luck will stand by you. However, you will have to stay cautious in the matters related to brothers. Opponents will become ineffective. Health will stay awesome! Father will give a supportive hand. Along with all this, some abroad journeys are seen. Now, we will talk about the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces.

Saturn is transiting in the eighth house for Pisceans, and is the lord of eleventh as well as twelfth house. Hence, you may have to face some hardships in the income related matters. However, all the needs will be satisfied. Outside matters will get some support. Family may make an add-on to your expenditure list. Honor will increase. It will be beneficial for you to use your conscience at times.

Now, there are certain people who have no idea of their birth details. In that case, they won’t be knowing if Sadhe-Sati i.e. the Saturn’s duration of seven and half years is affecting them. So, the question arises - how to find out if someone is going through these 7 and half years?

In answer of this question, I would like to tell you what astrologers say. It is believed that certain events occur during this period, which indicates that these are the seven and half years of Saturn. Some of the examples are - breaking down of the certain portion of home, most of the family members will stay sick, fire may catch in your home suddenly, you may have to face humiliation again & again, women of the home may stay sick most of the time, as soon as you will come out of one trouble another one would be knocking your door, you may have to face losses at work, family members may start cherishing the non-vegetarian food and liquor more, quarrels may become regular at home, you may have to get called accused of something that you never did, some trouble with eye & ear may crop up or your footwears may start getting disappeared from home. If such events start occuring in your life, it is a clear sign of Saturn’s time of seven and half years. In such situation, you should perform Saturn remedies to stay at bay from the evil effects of planet Saturn. I am telling you certain remedies here. Hope they will be helpful to you. It is upto you if you want to perform one remedy or more, it doesn’t matter. What matters is - you need to perform them with full faith in Lord Saturn.

Remedy 1 is - recite Hanuman Chalisa along with special worship process. It is because Lord Saturn doesn’t give evil effects to the devotees of Lord Hanuman.

Remedy 2 is - offer black or blue colored flowers to the Lord Saturn and your favorite deity.

Remedy 3 is - flow one coconut in the flowing water for at least 7 Saturdays regularly.

Remedy 4 is - offer black clothes to a needy person.

Remedy 5 is - offer a black umbrella to a person who needs it.

Remedy 6 is - wear a ring made up of black horse shoe in the middle finger of your right hand.

Remedy 7 is - every Saturday, take some oil in a bowl and see the reflection of your face into it. After that, donate that oil to someone.

So, this was all I had for you. I hope these predictions as well as remedies will help you carving out beautiful future getting rid of all the expected troubles. Saturn will transit into Scorpio on 2nd November 2014. We will come with our next video on Saturn transit in Scorpio soon. Till then, stay tuned to AstroSage TV for more such interesting stuff. Utilize the best of our FREE services and stay blessed!


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Planetary Conjunction Demystified [Part-10]

Planets affect each other in various ways. Two such major ways are conjunction and aspects.
Conjunction is called “Yuti” in Sanskrit. “Yuti” comes from root “Yuj” that means – to add or to be together. If two planets are posited in same sign, it is called conjunction of those planets.

In this birth-chart, Moon and Mars are posited in Cancer. Therefore, in astrological language we can say – there is conjunction of Moon and Mars in this birth-chart. As there is conjunction of Moon and Mars is the chart, these two plants will affect results of each other. Mars is a cruel planet by nature and it is considered to be debilitated in Cancer. Sixth house is also considered a negative house. Usually, planets in sixth house are not considered good. Therefore, we can say that Mars is negatively affecting Moon. If you remember from “significations of planets” episode, you may recall that Moon is significator of mother, mind and eyes etc. Due to the negative influence of Mars on Moon i.e. mind, a person with this birth-chart is going to be a bit stubborn. Moon (mind) + Mars (stubbornness) = Obstinate Attitude.

This chart also indicates that his mother will not be healthy. Why? Moon (mother) + Sixth House (Diseases) + Negative effects of Mars = Mother’s poor health.

Native may have weak eyesight. Why? Moon (eyes) + Sixth house (diseases) + negative Mars = problem with eyesight.

So, two important negative factors for conjunctions are - conjunction of malefic planet & conjunction of inimical planet. Similarly if a planet conjoins with a benefic planet or friendly planet, it gets more strength to deliver its good results. 

This is all for this episode. I'll explain aspects in next episode. Namaste.

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Shodashvarga Explained - Learn Divisional Charts

हम जानते हैं कि अगर राशिचक्र को बराबर 12 भागों में बांटा जाय तो हर एक हिस्‍सा कहलाता है 'राशि'। सूक्ष्‍म फलकथन के लिए राशि के भी विभाग किए जाते हैं और उन्‍हें वर्ग कहते हैं। वर्गों को अंग्रेजी में डिवीजन (division) और वर्गों पर आधारित कुण्‍डली (वर्ग चर्क्र) को डिवीजनल चार्ट (divisional chart) कह दिया जाता है। वर्गों को ज्‍योतिष में नाम दिए गए हैं जैसे अगर राशि को दो हिस्‍सों में बांटा जाय तो ऐसे विभाग को कहते हैं होरा। इसी तरह अगर राशि के तीन हिस्‍से करे जायें तो तो कहते हैं द्रेष्‍काण, नौ हिस्‍से किए जाय तो कहते हैं नवमांश। इसी तरह हर एक वर्ग विभाजन को नाम दिए गए हैं। आजकल सोलह वर्ग विभाजन काफी प्रचलित हो रहे हैं और उनको कहते हैं षोडशवर्ग।

षोडशवर्ग के सोलह वर्ग और उनसे विचारणीय विषय ब्‍लैकबोर्ड पर देखें।

वर्ग नाम वर्ग संख्‍या विचारणीय विषय
लग्‍न 1 देह
होरा 2 धन
द्रेष्‍काण 3 भाई बहनें
चतुर्थांश 4 भाग्‍य
सप्‍तमांश 7 पुत्र – पौत्रादि
नवमांश 9 स्‍त्री एवं विवाह
दशमांश 10 राज्‍य एवं कर्म
द्वादशांश 12 मा‍ता पिता
षोडशांश 16 वाहनों से सुख दुख
विशांश 20 उपासना
चतुर्विशांश 24 विधा
सप्‍तविंशांश या भांश 27 बलाबल
त्रिशांश 30 अरिष्‍ट
खवेदांश 40 शुभ अशुभ
अक्षवेदांश 45 सबका
षष्‍ट्यंश 60 सबका

वर्गों के गणित पर मैं नहीं जाउूंगा। आप एस्‍ट्रोसेज या कोई अन्‍य सोफ्टवेयर से वर्गों की गणना कर सकते हैं। वर्गों का प्रयोग खासकर ग्रहों के बल की गणना के लिए किया जाता है। सामान्‍य तौर पर जो ग्रह जितने ज्‍यादा उच्‍च वर्ग, मित्र वर्ग और शुभ ग्रहों के वर्ग पाता है वह उतना ही शुभ फल देता है। जो ग्रह जितना ज्‍यादा ताकतवर होता है वह अपना फल उतना ही ज्‍यादा दे पाता है। शुरुआती दौर में वर्ग बहुत कनफयूज करते हैं इसलिए आप अपना ध्‍यान सिर्फ नवांश पर लगाएं। अगर कोई ग्रह नवांश में कमजोर है यानि कि नीच राशि का या शत्रु राशि का है तो अपने शुभ फल नहीं दे पाता। अगर कोई ग्रह कुण्‍डली में उच्‍च का भी हो पर नवांश में नीच का हो तो वह ग्रह कुछ खास शुभ फल नहीं दे पाएगा।

इस वीडियो में इतना ही। नमस्काtर।

आज के लिए इतना ही। जाने से पहले सबस्‍क्राइब करना न भूलें। सबस्‍क्राइब करने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

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Jupiter Transit 2014

Today, I am going to predict how Jupiter’s transit will affect you in 2014. Planet Jupiter is also a deity in Vedic astrology like all other 8 planets. Lord Jupiter is transiting into Cancer on 19th of June in 2014. It is believed that Jupiter is one of the most auspicious among all the nine planets. Jupiter is one such planet which doesn’t give harmful results usually; and when it goes into exaltation, the good effects also get increased. This year, Uncle Jupiter is exalted because he is going to the home of Cancerians. He will stay here till 14th of July, 2015. Now, let’s see how this journey will affect each zodiac sign. Listen carefully what your zodiac sign carries in respect of this transit and plan your year ahead. Let’s start with our first zodiac sign, Aries.

Uncle Jupiter seems in good mood. You will enjoy comforts and luxuries of life. If you are planning to spend on something really expensive, like a vehicle or a property; then this time is blessed for you. If your domestic life has became too much adventurous, Uncle Jupiter has come to settle down everything. You will not only come in contact with senior officials, but also your reputation will increase. If you had been putting efforts to find your dream job since long, it looks like the time has come. As so many good things are coming your way, you will not forget to thank your Almighty and may start acting like a saint. If you see any trouble in this time, donating grams in a temple will help you. Let's move on to Taurus now.

Taureans, Uncle Jupiter is exclusively coming to your third house. So, a feeling of new energy is quite natural. As this energy is coming via him, you will do something that would leave everyone awestruck! This transit will make you more socially active and a short journey may bless you with some boons. If we talk about your health, you may get adversely affected if relished junk food more. Some important family matter may take your concentration out there. As far as your married life is concerned, everything seems quite awesome. Your business partners and companions will stand by you in any situation; and you will be blessed by your elders. If you face any tough time during this transit, I would suggest you to worship Goddess Durga; or you can serve sweets and fruits to the little girls. So, this was all I had for Taureans. Let’s now talk about Geminis.

You seems to be saving a lot Geminis. However, you will spend this money on your family. It seems like an auspicious ceremony may be planned at your home. It is a celebration time for you. You may also welcome a new member at home. If you are a teenager, you will stay quite romantic during this time. Adults may get interested in arts or literature stuff. It seems that Mr. Jupiter wants to make you quite popular. This popularity will result in your victory against your opponents. In tough times, buying a yellow dress to a needy one may help you. Now, let’s talk about Cancer.

Cancerians, Mr. Jupiter is coming in your ascendant, making your mind more alert as well as optimistic. You may feel like Sir Albert Einstein this time, but with some special abilities. Your new abilities will make as strong as Hulk for handling unfavorable situations. You will feel always happy like Noddy; and a happy you will become contagious at your home spreading happiness all around. During this merry time, an auspicious event may also be planned at your place. The goody-woody stuff of your horoscope doesn’t end here. Increment in income and a good promotion is also seen for you. This increment could be the result of the special treatment you will give to your seniors. It seems that you are quite inspired with Plato. That is why becoming so damn philosophical! :-o Even after all this, if Uncle Jupiter managed to spare some hard times for you; I would suggest you to serve cows and some needy people, you will feel blessed. :D So, this was all I could gather for Cancerians. Now, I would like to talk about Leo.

Lions, Uncle Jupiter is interested in your 12th house this time, which is not a good sign. Inspite of being the lord of the fifth house, Mr. Jupiter won’t be able to favor you much. This will result in the feeling of insecurity in you. But, a winner cannot have such feelings. So, you need to avoid feeling anything like this with a conscious and alert mind. I would suggest you not to get engaged with anything that won’t reap you much benefits. Try to follow the path that leads you toward better results. Keep a hawk-eye on your opponents and track their plans. You need to act like “James Bond” this time. Obviously, at times you may feel scared, as everybody does. So in that situation, remember one thing - that a good person is always supported by the power, which we know as God. Further, I would suggest you to avoid journeys as much as possible. Stay patient while dealing with any financial, social or personal matter. In tough times, I would suggest you to serve your elders and mentors. This will benefit you. So, this was all I had for Lions. Let’s now talk about Virgo.

It seems that this leisure trip of Uncle Jupiter to Cancerians home is bringing you the magic wand to rule. You may not realize the worth of our Uncle Jupiter’s favor this soon; but once he will divert his concentration toward someone else, you are definitely gonna miss him. However, if your idea bulb illuminated at the right time; then trust me, you will do wonders in your career. Usually, a happy and successful person is always surrounded with countless closed ones. So, same is gonna happen to you. As Uncle Jupiter is so damn concentrated on you, you don’t have to think for the results of any competition. Success seat is already booked. Do you know what is the funniest part? Even the most waggish of you will become philosophical. Not only this, some of you may also join the union of saints. ;) As you guys seem to be doing so much of good stuff, you will also get rewards for this. However, if you still have to face a tough time, you can chuck it with just one simple remedy, that is - watering a Peepal tree. So, this was all I had for Virgo buddies. Let’s now see if Mr. Jupiter is favoring Librans too.

Librans, it seems that the entire focus of uncle Jupiter is over your 10th house. His magic is making you an angel. You will do good things and your good Karma will fetch you big achievements. If you are a businessman, Uncle Jupiter has found out some really good deals for you. Not only this, he is also helping you in expanding your business. If you utilized this time properly; then trust me, you would be saying - Thank you so much Uncle Jupiter, you made my dreams come true! However, if you are working in an organization then celebration time is almost here. Uncle Jupiter has planned some trips for you to the new places with some professional reasons, so it’s gonna be an interesting time. All your family members will stay happy and healthy. If you still face challenging times, I would suggest you to donate almonds at a religious place. Let’s close the fate box of Librans now and talk about Scorpio.

Scorpions, uncle Jupiter wants to move in your 9th house during this transit. Once he did that, you will become amazingly confident and energetic. With success in business or job, your reputation will also increase. At home, you will experience the ecstasy of peace and tranquility. A new member may also join your family. If you are planning to go on a long distance journey, it’s gonna be really fruitful. Uncle Jupiter’s position in 9th house will bring you closer to a person leading a public sector or a saint managing a religious thing. You will feel blessed by the greatest power you believe in. Apart from all this, you may get interested in Yoga and stuff all of a sudden. I would suggest you to avoid non-vegetarian food and alcohol as much as possible. Uncle Jupiter will bless you more. If the hard times don’t leave your way, just flow some rice in the running water and your work is done. So, this was all I could find out for Scorpions. Let’s now see how Sagittarians will fare. :)

Sagittarians, Mr. Jupiter is transiting in your 8th house. It is not a very good sign. You may feel a little restless. I would suggest you ponder over everything with a conscious mind. If we talk about your health, it seems quite sensitive. Are you getting stressed out listening all this scary stuff? You need not because I will tell you a secret. Actually, Mr. Jupiter is the owner of your sign. So, no matter how malefic things may go, he will somehow manage to provide you good results. I don’t know whether it is good for you or not, but you will become quite interested in occult sciences. Unexpected financial profit is seen for you. However, you need to avoid making any investment during this time. It is always good to be independent. So, take a resolution that you won’t expect anything from anyone during this time at least. For the expected tough times, I have got a remedy for you - donate Ghee, potato and camphor at a religious place. Further, we will peep into the fate box of Capricorn.

Capricorns, Uncle Jupiter has found his place in your seventh house. He has decided to become your Santa this time. All your desires will be fulfilled. However, he has made things a bit tricky. You will have to find out the right moment and opportunity to pick up your gift. If you are in a job, everything will turn out to be in your favor. Atmosphere at home will become so damn ecstatic that you won’t like to go out of this heaven. All your life’s trouble will evaporate into smoke. Big brains will become your friends. Everything looks so damn smooth. If you are ready to get married, the time is all in your favor. Those who are already married gonna love their conjugal life. With honor as well as respect in society, also you are gonna gain popularity. If you see any tough time, I would suggest you to worship Lord Shiva. Now, let’s see how Aquarians will fare with this change of Uncle Jupiter.

It seems that Uncle Jupiter wants to wander in your 6th house. He wants to see you working harder. So, I would suggest you to make him happy by working harder and cherish the comforts of his boons. If you are into a job, you will have to work harder anyhow. I would suggest you to stay at bay from any dispute and keep your hawk-eyes over the evil plans of your opponents. If you are having a lawsuit then trust me - Mr. Jupiter has his blessed hand over your head. With everything I would suggest you not to take anybody’s help. You need to become as sly as a fox this time to see those scars behind the beautiful smiles of your so-called loved ones. Yes, you may get cheated. Want a shield for the tough times? I would suggest shop some clothes and sandalwood for a priest. So, this was enough I had for Aquarians. Now, let’s come to our last zodiac sign, Pisces.

Uncle Jupiter never forgets any of his children, even if they are the last ones like you. :P Just kidding! So for you, he is coming into your 5th house bringing some promising deals. Surprisingly, he has planned an auspicious ceremony at your home. He is himself quite fond of them. You will feel more intelligent than ever. All the decisions you will take will be right. If you are a businessman, profitable time is seen. However, I would advise you to ignore not-so-useful deals. If you are working in an organization buddy, promotion along with a beautiful change has come. Friends and well-wishers will come closer to you. You will feel quite contented. As we can see your social circle will increase, you will also become interested in spirituality. Still if you see any tough time coming, serve your elders or priests.

Finally, here ends your 2014 horoscope for the transit of Jupiter in Cancer sign. I hope this video will help you bringing some beautiful changes in life. We put our endeavor to offer you the best Astrology services for FREE. Please log on to to reach our Free collection of Astrology. I will come again with some more interesting stuff. Till then, stay tuned to AstroSage TV and stay in synchrony with the movement of stars.

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Friendship & Enmity of Planets: 2 Minute Tutorial

Namaste! In the last episode I talked about importance of exalted and debilitated planets in predictions. Other than that, friendship and enmity of planets is also very important in predictive astrology. Planets like Sun, Moon etc. are neutral, friendly or inimical to other planets. Check out the table on blackboard to know friendship and enimity of each planet.

Planet Friend Enemy Neutral
Sun Moon, Mars, Jupiter Saturn, Venus Mercury
Moon Sun, Mercury None Rest of the planets
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Mercury Rest of the planets
Mercury Sun, Venus Moon Venus, Saturn
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Venus, Mercury Saturn
Venus Saturn, Mercury Rest of the planets Jupiter, Mars
Saturn Mercury, Venus Rest of the planets Jupiter
Rahu, Ketu Venus, Saturn Sun, Moon, Mars Jupiter, Mercury

This table is very important and we should also try to memorize it. If this table seems too long, don’t worry. With the time, you will remember everything on your own. Grossly, we can divide planets in two categories that are friendly to each other:

Category 1: Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter
Category 2: Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

It is an easy way to remember the table. However, it is not correct all the time. It would be better if you memorise the table.

What does being friend or enemy mean? If a planet is in its friend’s sign and with friendly planets, it will give positive results. Similarly, if a planet is in its enemy planet’s sign or posited with enemy planet, its positive effects will be reduced.

I hope you enjoyed watching this video. Hope to see you soon again. Namaste!
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Exaltation & Debilitation of Planets : 2 Minute Tutorial [Part-8]

Namaste! As we have discussed earlier, good and bad results of a planet depend upon various factors. We have also discussed how significations of planet get negatively affected in 6, 8 and 12 houses. Similarly, position of a planet in a zodiac sign is also very important.

Usually, any planet gives good results in its own sign, in exalted sign and in a friendly sign. On the other hand, it gives unfavourable results in debilitated sign and inimical sign.
Check out exalted and debilitated signs for planets on the blackboard.

Number Planet Exalted Sign Debilitated Sign
1 Sun Aries Libra
2 Moon Taurus Scorpio
3 Mars Capricorn Cancer
4 Mercury Virgo Pisces
5 Jupiter Cancer Capricorn
6 Venus Pisces Virgo
7 Saturn Libra Aries
8 Rahu Sagittarius Gemini
9 Ketu Gemini Sagittarius

There are some interesting points in this table. First, the exalted and the debilitated signs for a planet are seventh from each other, e.g. Sun is exalted in Aries, the first sign of zodiac, and is debilitated in Libra, seventh sign of zodiac. Second, Venus and Mercury have opposite exaltation and debilitation signs. Same is true for Saturn-Sun & Jupiter-Mars. Third, exaltation and debilitation sign for Rahu and Ketu are not that important.

A planet is most powerful in its exalted sign. In its own sign, it has power of second grade. In its friendly sign, it has power of third grade. In neutral sign, it has power of fourth grade. In enemy sign, it has power of fifth grade. In debilitated sign, a planet has the power of sixth grade; i.e. a planet is weakest in it.

While analyzing a birth-chart, you should note down those planets that are in exaltation and in debilitation. The planets posited in exalted signs are able to give their results. If a planet is in debilitated or enemy sign, it becomes weak and cannot give its results. When we say “results”, it means planets’ own significations and the significations of the houses it owns.

I hope you enjoyed this video. Namaste!

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Mystery of Aries Revealed (Aries Horoscope & Aries Ascendant)

Today, I am starting a series on zodiac signs and I'll be sharing some of the secrets that have never been revealed to you. If you are an Aries born or you know anyone who is an Aries born, you cannot afford to miss this video.

Before I start, I must tell you 2 things. First, when I am talking about zodiac signs, I am talking about Sidereal Zodiac and not Tropical one. Sidereal zodiac is followed by Vedic astrologers whereas Tropical zodiac is used primarily by Western astrologers. So, before watching this video, you need to know your Vedic Zodiac sign. If you don’t know that, visit and check out our free tools to find out your zodiac sign.

Second, the results I am telling you are primarily for your Moon sign. Though these results are for Moon Sign, most of these will also be applicable if you are having Aries as your rising sign i.e. Aries as your Ascendant. Let’s begin with that information.

You will find less people with Aries ascendant than Leo, Virgo and Libra; especially in countries of Northern hemisphere like India. Why? Because, Aries is short ascension sign. But that is not the case of Moon sign, so Moon sign distribution is almost equal mathematically and you will find ample people with Aries Moon Sign.

In the last 5000 years, a lot has been written about Aries by Hindu sages. Recent Western astrologers like Alan Leo and Linda Goodman has also extensively dealt with this subject. Let me give you a brief of that -

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and is ruled by Mars. Aries is classified as Fiery and Moveable sign in Astrology.

If you’re an Aries born, you have a medium built with a lean and muscular body. Being ruled by Mars, you have a ruddy complexion. Generally, you are hard working and got an attitude of your own. You are short tempered and cannot take criticism well. Arians are known to be thoughtful and always stick to their words.

You generally don’t like to follow others. You take your decisions yourself and work on them. Your confidence is unparalleled. You are not a person who sits back waiting for an opportunity to come. You just put your endeavor to get what you desire for. However, when it comes on others, you can sacrifice anything; no matter how important it is for you. But, if you go through the state of afflicted ascendant, you become more prone to fights, tiffs and arguments. Additionally, in such situations, you start underestimating others being stubborn on your part. It is always difficult for you to maintain consistency; and if you find something more interesting, you just take it up, no matter the previous one is completed or not. However, nobody can plan and execute better than you. So, if you have a team, you complete your thing by directing others.

You are a risk taker and are lucky in terms of legal matters. The Lord of the 10th house is Saturn for you. Therefore, delay in certain tasks is very obvious. However, you are brave and these setbacks never demotivate you. You are usually interested in Sports, Hunting, Army, Police and professions related to inflammable products. Also, you do well with Petrol, machinery, metal, electricity; or anything that requires physical work.

You are a visionary and may achieve success in the field of administration. You like to travel a lot and also enjoy spicy food.

Having said that, I have a Aries friend who is quite opposite to what I described Aries earlier. Instead of being Fiery and aggressive, he is submissive. Instead of hard working, he is lazy. Why? Always remember that sign alone doesn't describe everything; other planets, especially sign Lord, are also very important. For example, in the case of my friend, Aries’ Lord Mars is situated in Airy sign of Venus, that is, Libra; with feminine Venus and lazy Saturn. So, Aries borrowed a lot of characteristics from Venus and Saturn. Always remember, the placement of Mars in birth chart is very important when we study Aries.

Our Sages highlighted some peculiar characteristics of Aries. For example, they generally are political people and like playing politics. Also, you will find Aries born are miser most of the times and they do not like spending money.

Sage Romak says that Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are good for Aries. So, do not forget it, while making important decisions. Sage Romak further states that Arians need to stay more alert toward health at the age of 20, 26, 33, 45, 50 and 55, especially if Aries is your Moon sign. So, never forget what sage Romak says.

Aries is a moveable sign, so is Arian’s nature. Acharya Varahamihira says that Aries people get happy quickly and changes in no time. This is important while dealing with them, for example, if they get angry, wait and watch is the best policy. Instead of trying to correct the situation, letting some time pass may not be the bad idea. Remember, Aries change quickly.

Nadi astrology sees Aries Moon sign very differently; and let me tell you, Nadi opinion as well. Nadi astrology tells that mother of the Aries born will sympathize with the people and society. She will also have fear from fire and she herself may be of fiery nature. They say, Moon sign is the foundation of genetics.

Before I close, let me give you a tip to identify an Aries born. You can play this trick with your friends and impress them. Firstly, in Aries people, you will find spherical eyes. You will most certainly find some scar or wound sign on their face. A thin face with walking style like the one coming back from gym is another distinctive feature whereas you can identify Aries easily. Lastly, Arians are rarely found to be long heightened person, so middle to short appearance is another clearly visible feature in most of the Arians. Great Sage Satyacharya in Satya Samhita says that these people generally have bad looking nails and I have also found it to be true most of the times. Satyacharya also states that the person may stutter sometimes while speaking and this is also another feature that identifies Arians.

We all have Arians around us. Our parents, our boss, our children, life partner, anyone can be an Arian. So, now let me tell you the 6 secrets to deal with Arians -

Secret No. 1. You should be a good listener to deal with Arians.

Secret No. 2. Keep the physical energy of Arians engaged.

Secret No. 3. Mercurians handle Arians the best. It is especially useful if your son or daughter is an Aries born. Among the parents, whoever has strong Mercury, or whoever has Gemini or Virgo sign, should handle the Arian.

Secret No. 4. Whenever you find it difficult to deal with Arians, offer them a glass of pomegranate or grape juice. And Bang! he is a changed person now! :)

Secret No. 5. If your husband is an Arian, do not forget to reduce spicy food and add coriander, cilantro, fennel and cardamom in your daily food.

Secret No. 6. If nothing works, try this amazing remedy of Vedic Astrology - get an Anantmool Jadi, which is also known as Hemidesmus and keep it with your Arian. I have tested it for many years and I am sure it will help you bringing the best while controlling the worst.

So, this was all about Aries Moon sign and ascendant. I hope you liked the video and found it useful. Utilize the best of it & change your life. Keep watching AstroSage TV to know about all the zodiac signs. I will come again with more videos in this series. Till then, take care and have a nice time ahead.

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7 Secrets of Transit Analysis (Gocharfal) : 2 Minute Tutorial

दशा के अलावा घटना का समय पता लगाने की एक और पद्धति है गोचर। गोचर को अंग्रेजी में ट्रांजिट कहते हैं। वर्तमान समय के ग्रहों की स्थिति का जन्‍म कुण्‍डली पर असर देखेने को गोचर कहते हैं। जैसे मान लिजिए की आपका लग्‍न सिंह और राशि कन्‍या है। आजकल शनि तुला राशि में चल रहा है तो ज्‍योतिष की भाषा में यह कहा जाएगा कि शनि सिंह लग्‍न से तीसरे में और कन्‍या राशि से दूसरे में गोचर कर रहा है क्‍योंकि तुला सिंह से तीसरी और कन्‍या से दूसरी राशि है।

गोचर देखने की अनेक पद्धतियां हैं। आज गोचर के बारे में कुछ महत्‍वपूर्ण बातें बताता हूं, ध्‍यान से सुनो।

1 जब हमें भाव का प्रभाव देखना है तो हमेशा लग्‍न से गोचर देखें। जैसे अगर आपकी सिंह लग्‍न और कन्‍या राशि हो और शनि तुला में हो तो तीसरे भाव का फल ज्‍यादा मिलेगा क्‍योंकि शनि लग्‍न से तीसरे भाव में है।

2 अगर यह देखना है कि शुभ फल मिलेगा कि अशुभ तो चंद्र से देखें। सामान्‍य तौर पर पाप ग्रह और चंद्र खुद जन्‍म चंद्र से उपाच्‍य भावों में सबसे बढिया फल देते हैं। सभी ग्रहो की चंद्र से गोचर करने पर शुभ और अशुभ स्थिति ब्‍लैक बोर्ड पर देखें और नोट कर लें।

3 सूर्य, मंगल, गुरु और शनि का चंद्र से 12 वें भाव पर, आठवें भाव पर और पहले भाव पर गोचर विशेषकर अशुभ होता है। चंद्र से 12वें, पहले और दूसरे भाव में शनि के गोचर को साढे साती कहा जाता है।

4 ग्रह न सिर्फ उन भावों का फल देते हैं जहां वे लग्‍न से बैठे होते हैं बल्कि उन भावों का भी फल देते हैं जिन जिन भावों को वे देखते हैं।

5 अगर कोई ग्रह उस राशि में गोचर करे जिसमें वह जन्‍म कुण्‍डली में हो तो अपने फल को बढा देता है।

6 दशा गोचर से ज्‍यादा महत्‍वपूर्ण होती है। अगर किसी फल के बारे में दशा न बताए तो सिर्फ गोचर से फल नहीं मिल सकता। इसलिए बिना दशा देखे सिर्फ गोचर देखकर कभी भविष्‍यवाणि नहीं करनी चाहिए।

7 अगर दशा प्रारम्‍भ होने के समय गोचर बढिया न हो तो दशा से शुभ फल नहीं मिलता।

इन महत्‍वपूर्ण नियमों का अभ्‍यास करें। अगले एपीसोड तक, नमस्‍कार।

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Numerology Number 9 Secret of Birth Date Number 9 Revealed

You might be knowing something about Birth Date Numbers already. In case you do not know, I’ll explain it to you today - if you are born on 9th, 18th or 27th of any month, your Birth Date Number will be 9.

Let’s discuss about Birth Date Number 9 in detail. Mars is the Lord of this number. Planet Mars represents enthusiasm and energy. Therefore, you people are enthusiastic in nature. Generally, number 9 natives have strong built. Voice is usually heavy and piercing. You can face any difficulty with determination. You are disciplined and principled. Even famous Hindi poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan Ji had Birth Date Number 9. Though you people have a life of struggle, but your unflinching courage makes you a winner. You people may have artistic inclination; for example lyricist Gulzar and actor Guru Dutt belong to Birth Date Number 9. You people are susceptible to flattery; hence you should always stay alert.

From academics’ point of view, you are usually quite sharp. You can understand given subjects quite rapidly. That’s why you perform well in higher education. Sometimes, you may face some difficulties related to education in your childhood; therefore, some of you leave school early. However, most of you seem to be getting good education. In present context, you people are mostly inclined toward education related to computers and mobile technology.

Economically, you are not very stable. You spend a lot, but possess good property. You people get ample from your in-laws. You can also get some money from risky and adventurous tasks. Still, you should be very careful in such endeavors. All in all, you enjoy good financial conditions.

Usually, you people are eldest in siblings. You get comparatively lesser happiness in your childhood. Beneficial for relatives, but you suffer the difference of opinion with siblings.

Birth Date Number 9 gives impermanence to love affairs. Anger, ego and sometimes self-respect causes problems in love life. You desire for a good-looking and submissive partner. However, your inclination toward passionate lifestyle may cause troubled marital life. As far as progeny is concerned, your luck is quite average.

People under Birth Date Number 9 are usually found more into risky professions. You people are usually associated with engineering, medical, fire and electricity related professions. You may also make a career in politics, hospitality, horseracing or even circus.

As far as your health is concerned, you are susceptible to fever, headache, blood and stomach related diseases. Fire and chemicals may injure you.

Good dates for you are 9, 18 and 27; good days are Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays; and favorable colors are Red and Pink.

I hope you enjoyed this video. Keep watching AstroSage TV to know more about numerology.

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